LAND Computer


Steps That Will Help You Optimize Profit

Maximizing profit is something every company wants to do, but it’s one of the more delicate operations in the world of business as well. One of the easiest ways to make more ...

Proxy Tool Designed to Bypass Censorship in Syria and Iran Now Spyware Victim

Simurgh, a proxy avoidance software used in Iran and Syria to get around censorship blocks, has reportedly been latched onto by a new Trojan. Proxy servers are commonly used to mask a ...

Zen Ways to Become a More Productive Worker

New habits can be hard to form, even when your old habits are destroying your ability to work smart instead of hard. But productivity when you are a small business can be exceedingly important since the company does not have ...

How to Encourage Forward Thinking in Your Employees

One of the best things about owning your own business is being able to find new and exciting ways to make some extra money. Not only can it be fun and interesting, ...

U.N. Threatening Censorship and Taxes on the Internet

The US is concerned that a discussion in the UN in December of last year is going to lead to a takeover and extreme censorship of the Internet. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia ...

Facebook Shares Holding at $29

Facebook’s well-debated IPO event and overestimation in value has sent its shareholders on quite the rollercoaster ride. Unfortunately, the shares haven’t gone up lately as much as they have gone down. The ...

Internet May Quadruple in Traffic in the Next Four Years

Most devices these days can browse the Internet. From phones to tablets to gaming systems, everything seems to have some wireless way to connect and browse the web. According to Cisco, the ...

Cyber-attack Uncovered in Middle East

A large and complex virus has been targeting the Middle East security systems for several years and was just discovered this past week. “Flame,” a complicated and advanced malware program, has been ...

HP Plans to Cut 8% of Workforce

CEO Meg Whitman of HP has decided to restructure HP’s entire plan and is planning on cutting 8% of the current workforce. Even if 8% doesn’t seem too excessive, it amounts to ...

Facebook’s New Smartphone in the Works

Though the rumors of a smartphone from Facebook have faded in and out over the past few years, there has now been an official announcement from Facebook itself: the social network plans ...


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