LAND Computer


Fujifilm Sues Motorola Mobility Over Patent Infringement

Fujifilm is suing Motorola over allegedly infringing on several of its patents related to photography technology. Fujifilm filed the lawsuit last Tuesday in the Northern District of California after saying they attempted ...

Facebook Buys Spool for Their Five Employees

Facebook acquired Spool earlier this week. Spool is a small company based in San Francisco that specializes in mobile bookmarking. Spool was mostly about content consumption, and Facebook has been struggling with ...

Malware Discovered on Google Play

Researchers have recently found a malware program embedded in Google Play. The program avoided detection by Google’s automated scanning system by masquerading as a different game every day. The Trojan discovered, Android.Dropdialer, ...

HP’s Ultrabook Can’t Keep Up with New MacBook

HP’s new Ultrabook was designed with the MacBook in mind. A sleek, thin design and long battery life were included in the Ultrabook just because the MacBook Air was reportedly stepping up ...

Scam Artists: How to Avoid Them

Scam artists target small businesses because they’re often easy targets. If you’re a new small business, or you don’t protect your computers with anti-virus software, you could be the next victim. ...

450,000 Credentials Stolen and Posted from Yahoo

Hackers who recently stole nearly half a million pieces of information from Yahoo said they intended for the breach to be a “wake-up call” to companies that aren’t investing enough in security. ...

Revamp Details of Twitter’s Mobile Overhaul are Live

The project of revamping Twitter for mobile Web took hundreds of days of long work and longer nights. However, Twitter is proud to announce that they have finally completed the undertaking of ...

Verizon Considering “Editing” Customers’ Internet Access

Verizon is considering changing the way their customers view the Internet on any device on their network. Initially, the company plans on prioritizing search results. If the change goes over well with ...

Most Employees Expect to Have to Work on Vacation

These days, we have the ability to contact people anywhere they are, at any time, through just about any medium we want. This has significantly changed the idea of vacationing over the ...

Internet Blacklist Law Approved in Russia

Russian Parliament came to a decision on a controversial bill on Internet censorship yesterday. A bill that would blacklist and block websites that supported “illegal activities” was approved, much to the anger ...


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