Part of the key to success is perseverance. That’s not all there is, but there is certainly meaning in keeping on when it’s hard or times get tough. In addition to sticking to it when things get rough, you need the confidence and organizational skills to keep on persevering in the first place. Here are two tips to help you stay on the right path to succeeding at your job, whether you’re new at a company that’s been around for a while or the CEO of a start-up.

Make Decisions – and Act on Them

It’s easy to sit on the sidelines when you have absolutely no clue what you’re doing. After all, your manager or your boss will understand when you are new at something, and will give you proper space to learn your new job. But sometimes, especially when YOU’RE the boss, waiting means you’ll never pick a proper path and go for it. This means if you ever feel indecisive, instead of just waiting for something to happen to you, make something happen instead. Jump in the ring, and even if you don’t necessarily succeed in the way you wanted to, you will obtain experience that you can learn from.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Many people who start their own businesses, or even those who want to climb in rankings at the company they’re currently at, outsource as much as possible. Sometimes this means taking shortcuts or relying on third parties to run a particular aspect of something, such as a website, for them. When you rely on someone else to manage an aspect of your company that you should manage, you’re limiting your flexibility. Sometimes, doing everything on your own regardless of how hard it is (at first) is the right way to go.